Cyro Globes


The world's top facial experts say that if there's one thing you can do for your skin it's to treat if with the cold. Trace an ice cube or a chilled spoon over it (the cold is pore-tightening and soothing) or use cryo globes.

Providing multiple of skin care benefits for all skin types. Here at The Sleep Care Co. we love Glow Circle's Glow Cryo Globes which are refreshing, cruelty-free and vegan essentials that transform your face, body and mood in a matter of minutes.

Using a Glow cryo globe can even help diminish the appearance of dark circles, soothe persistent breakouts, tend to sunburn, aid in healing benefits whilst presenting you with that glow and reducing puffiness. Glow Cryo Globe is for the whole family for those painful knocks and bruises .. no need for the ice bag that melts.  

  1. This constriction brings a lot of fresh blood and oxygen which feeds the skin and removes toxins.
  2. It reduces inflammation and puffiness especially around the eye area and face. 
  3. Uses cold temperatures to reduce blood flow and inflammation before eventually encouraging greater circulation , therefore giving that glorious glowy complexion.
  4. It’s great for breakout as it has a germicidal effect because of the low temperature.
  5. The massage is relaxing and good for lymphatic drainage.
  6. Helps muscle recovery from pain ache or injury. Great for sinus pain.
  7. Helps soothe Allergy reactions especially the itchy sensation.

To use:

Keep in the freezer and when ready to use, move the cyro globes in an upward direction over the cheeks for a lifting effect. Smooth the cyro globes under the eyes to help with puffiness. You can also use cyro globes over a sheet mask - this way it doesn't feel as shocking and so that you get the benefits of the cold.